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EMI INFSO-RI Software Quality Assurance in EMI Maria Alandes Pradillo (CERN) SA2.2 Task Leader. - ppt download

EMI INFSO-RI Software Quality Assurance in EMI Maria Alandes Pradillo  (CERN) SA2.2 Task Leader. - ppt download

EMI INFSO-RI Software Quality Assurance is: – Process of assuring that standards and procedures are followed during the software lifecycle. Evaluation of the adherence to software standards, process and procedures. Evaluation of the software product. SA2 is the activity within EMI responsible for software quality assurance. EMI Technical Forum - April 2011 SA2.2 - Software Quality Assurance in EMI 3 Introduction
EMI INFSO-RI Software Quality Assurance in EMI Maria Alandes Pradillo (CERN) SA2.2 Task Leader
EMI INFSO-RI Introduction QA workflow SQAP – SQA factors – Product Quality Evaluation – SQA management SQA tasks – SQA in practice – Standard Practices and Conventions Status and Next steps Conclusions Links EMI Technical Forum - April 2011 SA2.2 - Software Quality Assurance in EMI 2 Outline
Evaluation of the adherence to software standards, process and procedures. Evaluation of the software product. SA2 is the activity within EMI responsible for software quality assurance. EMI Technical Forum - April 2011 SA2.2 - Software Quality Assurance in EMI 3 Introduction.
EMI INFSO-RI EMI Technical Forum - April 2011 SA2.2 - Software Quality Assurance in EMI 4 QA workflow SA2.2 SQAP SA2.3 Metrics SA2.4 Tools SA2.5 QA Review SA2.6 Testbeds SA2.1 Coordination SA1.4 QC JRA1.8 QC PEB SA1 JRA1 SA2 Metrics SQAP + Policies endorses participates EMI releases reviews defines deploys
EMI INFSO-RI The software quality assurance plan (SQAP) describes: – SQA factors – SQA management – SQA in practice (procedures) – Standard Practices and conventions – The SQAP can be found in: EMI Technical Forum - April 2011 SA2.2 - Software Quality Assurance in EMI 5 Software Quality Assurance Plan
EMI INFSO-RI Non-functional requirements: – Reliability (maturity, fault tolerance) – Usability (operability, learnability) – Efficiency (time behaviour, resource utilisation) – Maintainability (changeability, stability) – Portability (adaptability) – Functionality (suitability, accuracy, security) EMI Technical Forum - April 2011 SA2.2 - Software Quality Assurance in EMI 6 SQA factors -PriorityBug -BugSeverityDistribution -Backlog -SuccesfulBuilds -CertificationTestEffectiveness -UpdateDoc -DelayOnRelease -TestCoverage -MemoryLeak -CodeComments -SupportedPlatforms -TotalBugDensity -BugDensityPerRelease SA2 Metrics Evaluated
EMI INFSO-RI EMI Technical Forum - April 2011 SA2.2 - Software Quality Assurance in EMI 7 Product Quality Evaluation SA2.2 SQAP SA2.3 Metrics SA2.4 Tools EMI -1 release Metrics calculation coordinates Metrics Report evaluates QA report Product quality evaluation Report generation Reliability Usability Efficiency Maintainability Portability Functionality Quality Factors
EMI INFSO-RI SQA organisation and tasks: – The different roles and responsibilities within the SQA process Quality Control (QC) roles Quality Assurance (QA) roles Interaction between the different activities within the project – SQA tasks Documentation tasks Review tasks Reporting tasks EMI Technical Forum - April 2011 SA2.2 - Software Quality Assurance in EMI 8 SQA management
EMI INFSO-RI Documentation tasks: – Documents governing the SW lifecycle – Software Documentation Review tasks – Component Release verification – SW lifecycle Documentation – Software Documentation reviews Reporting tasks – Periodic QA reports EMI Technical Forum - April 2011 SA2.2 - Software Quality Assurance in EMI 9 SQA tasks
EMI INFSO-RI Documentation Review Form
CR entry exists in the release tracker with core info properly provided: 1.1. Proper component name AND version is specified [yes/no] 1.2. All the RfCs corresponding to the CR listed [yes/no] 2. VCS tag available: [yes/no] 3. Etics configuration available: [yes/no] 4. The CR can be built in ETICS without errors: [yes/no] 5. Binary packages are available in EMI registered repo: 5.1. rpms [yes/no] 5.2. tarballs [yes/no] 6. Source packages are available in EMI registered repo: 6.1. rpms [yes/no] 6.2. tarballs [yes/no] 7. List of binary packages are specified in the tracker: [yes/no] 8. List of source packages are specified in the tracker: [yes/no] 9. Test Plan exists and it s specified in the tracker: [yes/no] 10. The CR testing has been performed and the Test Report is attached to the tracker. The report contains: result of static code analysis [yes/no/na] unit test execution [yes/no/na] logs of deployment tests [yes/no] result/logs of functionality tests [yes/no] result/logs of regression tests [yes/no/na] result/logs of standard conformance tests [yes/no/na] result/logs of performance tests [yes/no/na] result/logs of scalability tests [yes/no/na] 11. Minimum Required Documentation is complete: 11.1: up-to-date Functional Description is available and specified in the tracker [yes/no/na] 11.2: up-to-date User Guide is available and specified in the tracker [yes/no/na] 11.3: up-to-date Client Installation and Configuration is available and specified in the tracker [yes/no/na] 11.4: up-to-date System Administrator Guide is available and specified in the tracker [yes/no/na] 11.5: up-to-date Service Reference Card is available and specified in the tracker [yes/no/na] 12. Component Release notes are provided in the tracker [yes/no] 13. All the RfCs of the component release listed on the RC tracker are Fixed [yes/no] 14. Successful in-house deployment of the component from the EMI repo [yes/no] 15. Licence information is provided in the tracker and the component has an EMI- compatible licence [yes/no/na] ********************************************** REMARKS:.
EMI INFSO-RI EMI Technical Forum - April 2011 SA2.2 - Software Quality Assurance in EMI 12 SQA in Practice SA2.2 QAP SA2.3 Metrics SA2.4 Tools SA2.5 QA Review SA2.6 Testbeds SA2.1 Coordination SA1.4 QC JRA1.8 QC PEB/EMT SA1 JRA1 SA2 Monitor adherence to SQAP & policies QC report Report deviations Monitor
Release management: description of the different trackers to be used in the release process and the release management process. Change management: description of the Request for Change (RfC) and Component Release (CR) objects. Configuration and Integration: configuration and integration of the middleware. Packaging: packaging of the middleware. Testing: Test plans and Test Reports. Documentation: description of the software documents that need to be provided. Certification: Certification Reports. Check List: description of all the steps needed to release middleware into EMI. EMI Technical Forum - April 2011 SA2.2 - Software Quality Assurance in EMI 13 Standard Practices and conventions.
Review tasks for EMI-1 are on going. QA and QC Reports for the first year of the project also in progress. Next Steps Evaluation of the middleware quality for EMI-1. Lessons learned from EMI-1 release process. Improvement of SQA process after the evaluation. EMI Technical Forum - April 2011 SA2.2 - Software Quality Assurance in EMI 14 Status and Next Steps.
Important scientific projects depend on the EMI quality, therefore SQA is really a necessary activity. SQA needs to be supported as well by metrics, tools and test infrastructure (see other talks in the session). The SQA process helps organizing the work of the EMI development teams in a uniform way. SQA defines quality criteria for the EMI middleware. It evaluates whether the criteria is met helping to improve the middleware. EMI Technical Forum - April 2011 SA2.2 - Software Quality Assurance in EMI 15 Conclusions.
EMI INFSO-RI SA2 main twiki page: L inks to policies and any other SQA document SQAP: SA2.2 twiki page: QA reports and QA Standards EMI Technical Forum - April 2011 SA2.2 - Software Quality Assurance in EMI 16 Links
EMI INFSO-RI Thank you EMI Technical Forum - April SA2.2 - Software Quality Assurance in EMI EMI is partially funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement INFSO-RI

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